Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Like we needed any more proof...

Like we needed any more proof that the United States has nowhere to go but up, I have proof that our society has hit an all time bottom. It has nothing to do with the abysmal state of the costliest health care in the world, our lacking educational system, that more people know the status of Britney Spear's custody debate than about who is running for president. No, my friends, this takes the cake.
PS. 3 times in one day- don't expect that ever to happen again (I just couldn't let this one sit).
PPS. I have horrible recollections of waking up before a cross country meet in high school after sleeping over at a friend's house to a room covered in their posters- not a square centimeter of wall space spared. I think there were even pillowcases involved. I think that was my worst time all season.

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