Monday, January 26, 2009


Before I entered medicine, I hadn't a hint of superstition. Medical school and residency changed all that. We always talked about full moons, call socks for luck, and definitely never saying the Q word (quiet) or things would get busy.

Lately, for me, it's all been about the stethoscope. The nights that I don't bring my stethoscope home with me, the next morning I inevitably have to go to the hospital to admit a patient and embarrassingly ask someone if I can borrow their stethoscope. On Friday, I knew I was jinxing myself by not bringing my stethoscope home but left it on my desk anyways and, of course, an admission awaited me this morning. Jim will be sure to rant on about how it is all recollection bias and that there surely isn't a true relationship, but I will be sure to bring my stethoscope home from now on.

And, I'm sure there's a relationship between today's sheer chaos and extra admissions and emergency room visits because of the full moon.

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