This is quite possibly going to be the least politically correct blog post ever but I just had to do it. I was looking through the Oriental Trading Post catalog yesterday and saw this. For those of you not familiar with the catalog, it is home of extraordinarly cheap, made in China, theme based party supplies (aka crap that I never want to enter my house). As I was browsing, I came across supplies for an entire party based on the "Happy Birthday Jesus" theme. Not just plates and napkins mind you, but cups, yoyos, frisbees, beachballs, keychains, bouncing balls, sliding puzzles, tote bags, pens on a rope, metallic banner, ornaments, coloring mats, balloons, friendship bracelets, bubbles, kaleidoscopes, pencils, fun/game books, stampers, slap bracelets, coloring sets, tattoos, slide flutes, party hats (and that's not even everything). Seriously?? I get that many of us forget that Christmas celebrates the birthday of Christ. As a non-Christian, I don't forget that that often but sometimes I can get lost in the commercialism of the whole thing. But, I think if I really wanted everybody to remember that Christmas was in celebration of something so much more, I would be really offended by this stuff. But since Christmas for me is just a fun time to spend with Jim's family, eat good food, and get and give presents, I just find this whole line of products absolutely hysterical.
Oh, and while you're at it, check out these too.

You miss some of the humor of the last two without actually seeing it in the catalog with the name next to it. Seeing the words "Smile! Jesus Loves You" Punch balls and "Smile! Jesus Loves You" kick balls all together made me giggle.
Jesus Christ that's pathetic! But hilariously so. Get an A for effort?
All I can say is wow.
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